If you are currently on a annual plan, continue reading this article. If you are currently on a monthly plan, please refer to this article.
If you are upgrading or downgrading from one ANNUAL plan to another ANNUAL plan:
Upgrading |
- Upgrades are effective immediately and a prorated charge will be applied immediately
- For example, if you upgrade from Premium ($299) to Pro ($599) on January 2nd, you will be billed an additional $299.18 which reflects a prorated difference between prices i.e. $599 - $299 * (364days/365days)
Downgrading |
- Downgrades are effective on the first of the next year
- For example, if you downgrade from Pro to Premium on January 2nd, the new rate of $299 will start January 1st of the following year.
Cancelling |
- If you want to cancel your annual membership altogether, you will be refunded only the amount remaining on your annual plan.
- For example, if you cancel your annual Premium plan ($299) on January 2, you will be refunded $298.18 i.e. $299 * (364 days/365 days)
If are currently on an ANNUAL plan, you can still upgrade your account on a MONTHLY basis.
Let's say you are currently have an annual Premium plan ($299) but want to try VIP. You can still KEEP your annual plan and subscribe to VIP on a monthly basis. The upgrades and downgrades will be handled as follows:
Upgrading |
- Upgrades are effective immediately and a prorated charge will be applied immediately
- For example, if you are currently have an annual Premium ($299/yr) account but want to upgrade to VIP on a monthly basis, you will be billed $60 immediately i.e. $99-$29
Downgrading |
- Downgrades are effective on the first of next month
- For example, if you are currently have an annual Premium account but want to downgrade your VIP monthly plan to a Pro monthly plan, that change will be effective the following month
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