If you are currently on a monthly plan, continue reading this article. If you are currently on an annual plan, please refer to this article.
Upgrading |
- Upgrades are effective immediately and a prorated charge will be applied immediately
- For example, if you upgrade from Premium ($29.99) to Pro ($59.99) on February 14th, you will be billed an additional $15 which reflects a prorated difference between prices i.e. $59.99 - $29.99 * (14days/28days)
Downgrading |
- Downgrades are effective on the first of next month
- For example, if you downgrade from Pro to Premium on February 15, the new rate of $29.99 will start in March. You will still have access to Pro until the end of the month.
No matter what plan you have (i.e. Premium, Pro or VIP) you can downgrade or upgrade at any time by clicking "My Account" in the upper right hand corner when logged in.
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